Pest control by Pest Therapy

Animal Control McKinney - Professional Wildlife Removal

At Pest Therapy of McKinney TX,  we are committed to providing quality services in a friendly and professional manner. Our solutions are designed to help you get back to your normal routine with minimal disruption. With our humane wildlife control and prevention services, you can stay safe from the dangers of nuisance animals.

Animals In Your Attic? Protect Your Home

Animals in your attic can be more than a nuisance; they can cause extensive damage to the structure, insulation, and wiring of your home. Furthermore, they may also present a health risk due to the accumulation of their waste and debris.

Our experts are experienced in trapping and removing a wide variety of critters. Some of the most common wildlife found in McKinney attics, chimneys and crawlspaces are squirrels, racoons, skunks, bats and birds. 

At Pest Therapy of McKinney, Texas, critter removal is our specialty. We understand that critters can cause serious damage to your property and the safety of your family or staff. That’s why we work hard to provide humane animal removal services that are both safe and effective. We also provide dead animal removal services to help sanitize your property and make sure the critter is disposed of in a safe manner.

wildlife control services

Animal Trapping And Removal for Your Home

We know how big a problem wildlife can be for Mckinney homewoners and we understand that wildlife infestations can be a stressful and difficult time. Our team of pest control experts provide a wide range of services to help you keep your home or business safe from wildlife intruders. Our services include:

  • Humane trapping and removal of nuisance animals
  • Repair and prevention of damage caused by animals
  • Thorough sanitation of affected areas
  • Exclusion and prevention solutions to keep wildlife out in the future
  • Skunk odor control and elimination

We understand that every situation is unique, so we offer customized solutions tailored to your needs. Our knowledgeable technicians will inspect the property, identify any possible entry points and design a plan for humane removal or exclusion methods. We take safety seriously and use the best practices to protect both our technicians and the wildlife involved. In addition, we provide clean-up services to restore your property back to pre-infestation condition.

Get A Quote For Our Services

Are wildlife and pests driving you crazy? Do they seem to be taking over your home and property?

When an animal invades your home or puts your property at risk, you need to be able to call on somebody you can trust. With over ten years of experience in all forms of animal removal, Pest Therapy of McKinney is here to help.

Well, it’s time to call on a wildlife removal specialist who can help!

Don’t let wildlife ruin your day anymore – call us and let us help you regain control of your home or property.

Request A Free Estimate

Common Wildlife Control & Wildlife Removal Questions

Dallas, Texas is home to a variety of wildlife animals. Common wildlife types found in the area include raccoons, opossums, armadillos, skunks, squirrels, rats, bats, snakes and birds.

If you have any wildlife on your property or are having problems with unwanted wildlife guests, contact a wildlife removal and critter control company for help. These wildlife control experts are trained in wildlife trapping and can safely remove wildlife from your property, as well as provide advice to keep wildlife away in the future.

Acting quickly is important to avoid damage caused by wildlife infestations or diseases spread from wild animals. If you suspect that you may have wildlife on your property, it’s best to contact a wildlife removal and critter control specialist as soon as possible. They can provide the necessary wildlife trapping services you need to keep wildlife away from your home or business.

Remember, Pest Therapy are critter control specialists in McKinney, Texas and are ready to help with any wildlife situation that may arise. Don’t hesitate to contact us for wildlife trapping and removal services to protect your property and keep wildlife away!

If you notice any of the following indications, it could be a sign that you have a wildlife problem in your home:

  • Unusual and loud noises coming from inside your walls or attic.
  • Unexplained smells wafting throughout the house.
  • Droppings around the property, especially near entry points like vents, windows, and doors.
  • Damage to insulation, wiring, or other areas of the home.
  • Holes in walls or siding of your house.
  • Chewed up food packages or other evidence that animals have been rummaging through the pantry.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take immediate action to identify and remove the wildlife invader. Consult a professional wildlife removal service for advice and assistance in safely locating and removing the animal, as well as steps you can take to prevent future infestations. Don’t hesitate – contact a wildlife removal expert.

Experts like Pest Therapy, will not only help you assess the damage, but can also help you mitigate any potential health risks posed by the animal’s presence and ensure that your home is safe for occupants, using humane trapping methods to capture the animal, and then take it away from your property. Next we will provide guidance on how best to secure your home against future wildlife invasions. Taking care of the problem quickly is essential for your safety and peace of mind. Remember, a professional wildlife removal service has the skills and expertise to get the job done right! Don’t wait – contact us today!

The best way to remove wildlife from your property depends on the type of animal(s) that have taken up residence. Some animals, such as raccoons, can be humanely removed using an exclusion process which involves removing the creature and blocking off any entry points they may have used to enter the structure. Other wild animals, such as bats, squirrels, or skunks, may require specialized trapping and relocation methods. It is always best to seek the help of a professional wildlife removal and critter control service when dealing with wild animals on your property. These experienced professionals can access the situation, determine the animal’s type and behavior, create an appropriate removal plan, and execute it in a safe and humane way. Wildlife removal and critter control services have the knowledge, skills, and equipment to properly remove wild animals from your property in an effective manner. They can also help prevent future animal invasions by securely sealing off any potential entry points for other animals. Contacting a professional wildlife removal and critter control service is always the best way to make sure your home is safe from any unwanted critters in the future.

Remember, don’t try to remove wildlife from your property yourself—leave it to the professionals! Not only is it safer for you and the animal(s), but professional wildlife removal and critter control services will ensure that all of your wildlife problems are taken care of quickly and effectively.

For those who are unsure if the animal(s) on their property need to be removed, it’s important to understand that some animals can cause serious damage to your property and threaten the safety of you and your family. Wildlife like bats can roost in insulation or wall voids and spread dangerous diseases like rabies. That’s why it is important to get help from a professional wildlife removal and critter control service right away if you suspect wild animals have taken up residence on your property.

Yes, it is legal to trap and remove wildlife from your property in Dallas, however, certain trapping methods, such as poison and certain types of traps, are prohibited by law and can only be done by a licensed professional.

To ensure the safety of yourself, your family and your property, it is strongly recommended that you hire a professional wildlife removal company to take care of any wildlife infestation on your Dallas property. These companies are experienced in humanely trapping and relocating wild animals and can handle the entire process for you. Remember, it is illegal to relocate wildlife without a permit, so make sure you get the necessary permission before attempting to trap and remove any wild animal from your property.

To prevent wildlife from entering your home in the future, it’s important to take preventive measures. The first step is to inspect and seal any potential entry points into your home. Look for cracks or holes in walls and foundations, open vents or chimneys, torn window screens, and gaps around pipes or wires that enter your house. These are all potential points of entry for wildlife.

Once you’ve identified any weak points, seal them up securely with a combination of materials such as caulk, lumber, or steel mesh. Keep in mind that many animals are able to chew through wood or plastic materials, so use metal screens or strong lumbers when possible. Also make sure to check for any entry points regularly to ensure they remain sealed.

In addition, you can take steps to make your yard less attractive to wildlife. Avoid leaving pet food outside and remove potential nesting sites such as piles of wood or debris. Trim back branches or bushes near your house that could provide a bridge into your home. Finally, consider installing motion-activated lights and/or a fence to help deter animals from entering your property.

By taking these preventive measures, you can help ensure that you won’t have unwanted visitors in the future. If you need additional assistance making your home secure, contact a professional wildlife removal and critter control company for help. They can provide advice as well as professional-grade solutions to keep wildlife out of your home.

Repellents can be effective in deterring wildlife, but not all repellents are created equal. Some products may contain ingredients that could harm the environment or nontarget animals. Additionally, some species of wildlife may become accustomed to certain repellents over time and no longer be deterred by them.

For long-term success, it is best to choose a humane and environmentally friendly repellent, such as those that use sound, scent or taste aversion. The type of repellent you choose will depend on the species of wildlife in your property. To ensure that you select an appropriate solution for your individual situation, contact a professional wildlife removal expert who can provide advice tailored to your specific needs.

The best long-term solution is to contact a professional critter control company like Pest Therapy. Give us a call, we’re happy to help.

Business Hours

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed

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